The Big Draw Festival at LEeds Royal ARmouries: Castles, Towers and Turrets.

October 2016
On Saturday 29th October I took part in The Big Draw at The Royal Armouries. Their theme was castles and they had chosen to join everyone’s pictures in one big display. I loved being able to put my work into to a big wall that everyone would see. It was like art-building.

When we went in, we were surrounded by a sea of pictures, all in black and white: it was very bold and striking and made me want to look at them all. The lady had a lovely, welcoming smile and encouraged us to come and draw.

It was very peaceful when we drew. We could choose a style from books, or just use our imaginations. I chose to draw an entrance with a drawbridge and I tried to draw the towers in 3D. The time went very quickly - I felt very relaxed and I couldn’t believe that half an hour had gone by. It was like being in a different world for a while, like watching a film but taking part in it.
Because it was collaborative, we handed our art in and we are looking forward to seeing on their website. I have made another picture for you to see. I hope we can do more Big Draw events next year.
By Claudia, Aged 10.

Gail Cockerill, Events Officer at the Royal Armouries said:
“We’re so pleased Claudia enjoyed taking part in the big draw at the Royal Armouries, we had some fantastic feedback from visitors with lots of children of all ages taking part – the drawings were brilliant and it was great to see them all together on the walls.”
Admission to The Royal Armouries in Leeds is free.
Visit at:
Armouries Drive
LS10 1LT